How to stay motivated

1. Never forget why u started and where u started:

Often times when we feel like its not going to work or we are going too hard on our selves or its just not right and maybe we should stop or focus on getting the job etc a very good way to keep urself on the track is remembering why u started what u are doing right now and going from there.

Like for me, i started medical school because thats the only thing i wanted to do ever since i was a child. I had always dreamt of wearing a white coat and calling people MY PATIENTS.. so now when life has fast forwarded and im years and years from the dream i had whenever i find myself struggling to continue my journey of like being licensed pharmacist here in the US or being successful and having a nice job with the complete work and life balance i kinda remind myself of the spirit and the energy i started this whole journey with i think of the days i have worked my ass off to pass the exams, Ithink of the days when my friends were partying and i had to force myself to study or the family gatherings i have missed just because i had a viva next day and the feeling of being overwhelmed just vanishes instead i start feeling like im goong to waste all those years of hardwork if i stop today and thats exactly what motivates me to study and continue on my journey.

2. Exercise

This is going to be a bookish one but I promise i didnt put it here because google says so its something i have experienced on my own and thats yoga, or any form of excercise. Now im not going to put meditation kinda quotes over here to tell u how mind-fullness helps create balance etc but in general our bodies are designed to work this way. That is basic neuroscience. As wendy suzuki explains it ; exercise is the most helpful thing that u can do for ur brain today. Exercise increases neurotransmitters like dopamine adrenaline and serotonin which are the reasons u feel pumped and u feel that energy after everytime u exercise her exp have showm that that exercise improves ur retension to knowledge for atleast 2hrs. U will be surprised to know that in a lay mans language exercise actually increases ur brain cells in the hipicampus now u know thats the area involved in long term memory like ur childs birth or ur first break up this actually improved long term memory. Wendy tells in her experiment that execising affects the brain like it affects the muscle the more u move the more muscke u built it helps to built the pre frontal cortex and hipicampus the areas that are involved in memory decline over time and all the neurodegenerative diseases now im not saying go exercise 2hr a day u need to hit the gym with our daily lives its hard to take out time but all im asking here it making exercise a habit doing little by little. I do yoga and i started initially not to inc my memory or improve retension to be honest i started to help my back i have a really bad back with a disc slip so i just wanted to help myself get over the pain and stuff but now since it has almost become a habit and i try to steal 15-20mins in my day to do it while the baby sleeps it helps me feel good and stay motivated

3. Treating failure as a learning opportunity:

I read this story about this guy who started alibaba. Im sure if u are reading this right now like in this century u surely know what alibaba is but do u know the story of this guy? So this guy applied for university 3 times all failed applied to harvard 10 times they rejected him every times he applied to jobs 30 times got rejected his pay was aroung $10 a month teaching at a uni in 94 he said hes gonna do something called an internet and a dozen of people said it was STUPID IDEA he wanted to make it work spoke to around 49 venture captitalist everybody said NO to his idea of alibaba. He managed to get $50000 from 18 companies and for the first 3years of his business not even a single $ was made in revenue but he kept on working and believed himself today alibaba is a multinational chinese technological company with a mamoth 25 billion as per 2014 and jack ma is included in one of the worlds richest man.

Only if he had taken NO for an answer or had not taken failure as his learning opportunity that helped him make more efforts and get better there would have been no alibaba today. And thats not only Jack Ma history is full of people like these. This is something im trying to over come too at this point in time. I hope you will do the same


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